Friday, July 4, 2008

RSS Alternatives


Google Alerts

As a writer, we want to be kept updated on the latest posts of our other favourite writers, competitors and affiliate websites. There are many ways to do it including, subscribing to the RSS (Real Simple Syndication) Feedreader on the website you are currently reading. If you subscribe to the RSS Feed, it allows you to receive the latest posts from the author directly to your email address. This is very good as you do not have to keep visiting the sites. I do recommend this for all bloggers as it means you are focusing your research on dedicated sites and also keep your information current.

Google Alert also has a feature that helps you search for information just by you logging on to your emails. All you have to do is go to Google Alert. Type in the search item you want. You can be specific or general. Continue to fill in the appropriate information accordingly. I like this because I can find tracks or information related to my site and start reading as it comes.

When I do this, I am able to achieve many things:
  1. Search through the entire web to look for the specific information
  2. Allows published information on google which are otherwise not published on the author's website, including the social sites.
  3. Gives me more time to concentrate the more immediate need of writing out posts.
  4. Able to opt on the frequency of alert I need.
Click here for afffliate.


Another method which I find very useful to find specific information is to key in commands on the search box like so:

use closed inverted commas, : ".....your title....." and you will immediately get to the information immediately.


use the + sign on your search. For instance on the search box type the keyword+keyword. It does not matter which way you put it.

I find this very useful as I am able to see my personal activities while blogging without even having to keep a diary or bookmark. So keep visiting and blogging, google will keep a diary for you. Self management of time and money is quite simply, made simpler.

....that's all for this pouch....Zip.

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