Monday, July 28, 2008

Very Proud Week For Childhoodspeech

Last week, I have been busy finding new sites to get in touch with like-minded internet users at forums and social sites to generate awareness of my weblog,

Blogging is very enjoyable because I do not have to focus on money per se and get in the mad rush to make money.

One of the best reasons blogging offers is to keep people employed and stay useful to the community. Take for instance, Mr Craig Johnson, who met a tragic accident, lost his beloved wife and is still hard at work on his wheelchair. There are hundreds if not thousands who want to do something good for the community, and blogging seem to offer the opportunity to do both: help others and help yourself.

Social sites
I discover two other social sites which have given me the sense of enjoyment and reward from my blogging activities, other than myBloglog of course. They are next2Friends and BlogRush.

I did something really important for my site and hope you too will get in the rush. I search for site on all known search engines and discovered it is not listed!! No wonder there are bots in my stats! If you have a website, you must submit your site to as many search engines as possible to increase awareness of your site. Remember I did not use traffic, I say awareness = you still have to post regularly so your post continue to appear frequently on search results.

Participating in forums also help to generate awareness of your sites through your signatures and broaden your knowledge on the topic that you are blogging about.

If you participate in forums, you should find those that have at least 30,000 users in order to feel the competitive edge. There are small forums which are niche, and i also recommend them because you can covert the members into serious readers to your site.

Yesterday, the unique visitors to my site did increase and I am proud that I have done the right thing to generate awareness.

So this is my timeline in brief:
- april '08- started
- may '08 - submitted first article to ezine
- jun '08 - joined
- jun '08 - started email marketing
- jul '08 - joined
- jul '08 - site approval -BlogRush

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