Sunday, August 3, 2008


Keyword Research

First of all, get your keyword research tool with this splendid (beta version) website:
Download the excel tool and use it to do a targeted keyword research tool, directly acquired from MSN website, to qualify your other keyword research. Here is screenshot of this website.

Traffic Mastery

Traffic in internet marketing is a very popular and indeed famous topic. If you decide to specialize in discussing traffic in your blog, you will definitely gain lot and lots of knowledge in terms of SEO Tools (Search Engine Optimisation), Social Media Optimisation, Web Desigin, and even Article Marketing Tools.

You do not need to be an expert or even a guru, you just need to know how to work out how the bring in more and more readers to your sites. If your withstand focus, you will generate enough attention to even build a website just to blog about traffic.

This is exactly what Alvin Phang who discovered Atomic Blogging did. When I first met him, all I could gather from his workshop presentation is this, “Men! This guy knows a lot, but what! And his English is just well…..not that good.”

So I asked him if he would be kind enough to explain mechanisms of blogging rather than techniques of blogging, because the real secret in building your own business is not to understand technique (as this is as personal as the golf strokes of Tiger Woods, or forearm skills of Roger Federer). If you try to learn technique, at most you will be able to learn only 50%, analyse another 30%, emulate 10% and perfecting it at your own risk of time and money. I know, I have been there, so have many of us who try. So mechanics, learning how to fish, is better than to be given a fish and eat once right.

Eversince I have subscribed to Alvin, everything he has taught is helpful except for one. He will not help you build your website. He is very interested that you get traffic and make money with blogs, though I must say, you have to admit that this is not a grow rich quick scheme programme.

If you are new to internet marketing, and you don’t even know how to load your first post or ask permission to change your theme editor on wordpress (.php jargon), you need to accept the fact that once you start writing, you must continue posting even if you have started to earn yet.

With some simple techniques of blogging set by Alvin, I did manage to gain well over 100 readers within the first 4 months of work: all with just 6 live articles on Ezine, one social site – myBloglog, participation with Forum albeit only a few, and have Google adsense. At that time, I have not even discovered next2friends yet. You simply have to latch on to targeted information to the person you subscribe to if you want to see some results.

It took him 18 months to get to his comfortable peak at which he feels confident to speak publicly about his success. He is as many have described, a quiet achiever. Allow me to introduce Atomic Blogging formally here in Blog Pouch. The keyword research is just one of the updates Alvin has discovered.

Click here to get to his site now.

Click on Traffic Dash to read an excellent blog on increasing your traffic with non-English search engines. It is great site to bookmark, at least on my blog pouch it has.

Traffic Dash

SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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